- Good Education is the joint effort of the school and the parents. So full co-operation of the parents is earnestly solicited.
- Please avoid comparing your child with other children as each child is unique with different interests, skill and talent.
- If your child has habits or traits of character which needs special care, the matter may be reported to the principal.
- Parents should kindly see that their children attend the school regularly and in time.
- Parents should make sure that children are submitting the home works, assignments etc, as per the schedule.
- Parents should willingly co-operate with the school authorities by permitting their children to participate in school functions and other activities.
- You are requested to go through your child’s diary regularly.
- Parents are kindly requested not to visit the classes during class hours. However they may visit the school and contact the principal and the teachers during visiting hours with prior permission from the principal.
- Parents should not meet the teachers without principal’s permission. They are not allowed to go to the classes directly. Whatever be the matter, it should go through the principal only.
- Always pay the fees and other dues in time to avoid embarrassment to the child.
- Do not allow the child to bring mobile phones and other electronic gadgets. If found, the mobile phones will be confiscated and will not be returned.
- Attend all the meetings and get the feedback of your child’s progress and performance.
- The Report cards and answer sheets will be handed over to the parents only on the open house. Parents attendance in the open house meeting is compulsory.
- Whenever need arises , special classes will be conducted on holidays. Make sure that your child attends such classes.